First Nations Women, Gender Diverse, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People's Strategic Action Plan

Through Resolution 11/2020 Support for Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People Declaration and Strategy, the BCAFN Chiefs-in-Assembly manded the BCAFN to develop a strategic plan for addressing the Women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People's Declaration and other issues that impact Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people.

The Women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People's Declaration and subsequent recommendations were developed through BCAFN's annual Dialogue Sessions.

Image of three columns of text. Column one is 2017-2018. Column two is 2020. Column three is 2021.


To support the development of the Strategic Action Plan, preparatory work is underway to engage First Nations on an environmental scan of how BC First Nations organizations and governments are applying a gendered lens to policy, programs, and governance in a culturally relevant way.

Overview of the Development Process

Image of pie chart showing process timeline. Foundational Engagement (Spring 2021); Pre-engagement, Scan, Framework, 1st Draft (Jan-Sep 2022); 2nd Draft and Engagement (Sep-Dec 2022); Final Draft and Seek Endorsement (Jan-Mar 2023).


It is envisioned that this Strategic Action Plan could be renewed every 5 years.

Image of large arrow with 4 bullet points within. From top to bottom: Jan 2022-Mar 2023 Strategy Engagement and Development. Spring 2023 Strategy Finalization. 2023-2028 Strategy Implementation and review and reporting at annual Dialogue Sessions, AGMs, and SCAs. 2028 Strategy review and renewal or redevelopment.


The following draft principles will be put forward for consideration and feedback, along with other elements of the Strategic Action Plan, throughout 2022.

  • Self-determination and Leadership
  • Collaboration and Partnership
  • Holistic Action
  • Culture
  • Healing and Hope

The first opportunity for feedback on this work will be at the 2022 Women, Gender-Diverse, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People's Dialogue Sessionon April 26, 2022, with further opportunities forthcoming.

You are invited to connect with BCAFN Senior Policy Analyst Sarah Froese at for more information.